Showing posts with label geneology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label geneology. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tracing the Past

Tracing the Past

One of my resolutions for the year was to do new things. So when I spotted the DAR (Daughters of American Revolution) event on I made plans to attend.

I have always been fascinated by the Revolutionary War. The birth of our nation, when men and women accomplished what no one believed they could. It inspired to me to write "A Christmas Crossing" and I'm currently working on a follow-up book.

So I as I stepped into this room full of history, I couldn’t help but be in awe. These strong women bound down with pens, paper and notebooks have traced their ancestry to the Revolutionary War and beyond.  
I’ve never really thought about my ancestors before. It’s hard to focus on people you’ve never met. The only stories I remember my Grandmother telling me when I was a child were ghost stories. One of the scariest was of “Timtodd” a red eyed Troll who lived in the ditch by the road. Needless to say, in our romps over the yard we avoided the street at any cost. 

I am greeted warmly as the meeting starts, the pledge is recited, prayers are said and “America the Beautiful” is sung. Every meeting they have a Guest speaker, the one today happened to be related to George Washington.

She speaks eloquently as she tells us about privateers plundering enemy ships during war time. I was offered assistance in looking up my ancestors and I took them up on it. These women have a wealth of knowledge about genealogy and are more than glad to share.

 If you are interested in tracing your past contact them, they would love to have you! For more information about DAR or SAR (Sons of the American Revolution) contact them at: